
I am pleased to report that my Stage Play “Moscow Shadows” was just chosen by Nuovoimaie, “Bando Teatro 2018-2019” to receive euros 42,900 ($50,000) funding for the 5 actors involved in our production that will be presented in Rome, Italy in Sala Umberto in the Italian language under my direction in 2023. Moscow Shadows has already been […]

I am pleased to report that my Stage Play “Moscow Shadows” was just chosen by Nuovoimaie, “Bando Teatro 2018-2019” to receive euros 42,900 ($50,000) funding for the 5 actors involved in our production that will be presented in Rome, Italy in Sala Umberto in the Italian language under my direction in 2023Moscow Shadows has already been produced in London to critical acclaim.For example, the critic for “The Independent” in London wrote: “…a drawing room comedy that…goes for and gets the laugh to be found in a fond portrayal of Jewish matriarchy.”

Sono lieto di dire che il mio copione per teatro “Moscow Shadows” ha vinto il “Bando Teatro 2018-2019” dal Nuovoimaie di ricevere Euros 42,900 per pagare nostro 5 attore quando presenteremo “Moscow Shadows” a Roma in Sala Umberto sotto la mia regia in 2023. “Moscow Shadows” era presentato a Londra e lodato dagli critici.Per esempio, il critico per “The Independent, London” ha scritto: “…una commedia da salotto che…cerca (e trova) la risata, in un affascinante ritratto del matriarcato ebraico…”